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Frequently asked questions


How is the return on investment calculated?

Our previous return model has been updated on 2022-05-17.

The previous calculation model for average return was based on actual return in relation to total capital, without weighing maturities or when credits start to return. For this reason, we have chosen to update our calculation model to a version that takes into account volume-weighted delay. By adding this delay, which takes into account the number of days it takes on average before an investment begins to pay off, a result is achieved that also takes into account the growth of capital on the savings platform.

Updates 2023-06-05.

Before this date, we used to calculate an average return on the platform, but due to the savings strategies, we don't do that anymore as different strategies give different returns based on risk. We will therefore look at returns per strategy instead, with the exception of strategy Freedom, where the freedom of choice means that an average return is irrelevant. Your own return is of course updated as usual. Log in and you will find it under "Portfolio Overview."